Melbourne Symphony Orchestra rocks Wyndham

By Our Reporter
Photo: Melbourne Symphony Orchestra Facebook Page

Wyndham City is in discussions with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra for its return to Wyndham Park following the success of last Friday’s Summer Series event.

More than 900 people attended the sold-out event and a further 2,000 people viewed the event via live stream.

The Summer Series event was the first of the MSO’s free outdoor concert series.

Spectators were enthralled by the MSO’s world-class musicians who performed excerpts and short works from much-loved music, including renowned pieces by Mozart and Beethoven, plus contemporary classics.

Children were entertained earlier in the day with a music workshop which included a 30-minute performance with music from the Nutcracker.

The MSO Summer Symphony was part of Wyndham City’s Covid-recovery strategy, that includes outdoor dining experiences, parklets and even trials of shared pathways.

Activations and events such as the Summer Symphony and West End Experience are all part of collaborative initiatives to support businesses and jobs in our City and Town Centres and to create vibrant, liveable places for our community.

“Drawing people out of their homes and into the iconic Wyndham Park this summer was part of Wyndham City’s COVID-recovery strategy”
— Cr Adele Hegedich, Wyndham City Mayor

These activations, including parklets, temporary cycle routes and pop-up parks at Point Cook, Williams Landing, Station Place and Soho Village are all ways for the community and businesses to trial and test ideas and concepts.

Feedback, data and evidence collected during these trials and pilots helps us to guide longer term planning, design and creative use of our spaces.

Wyndham City Mayor, Cr Adele Hegedich said the success of the Summer Series in Wyndham paved the way for future performances.

“Wyndham residents have come out in droves to see world-class musicians perform in our very own backyard, Wyndham Park,” Cr Hegedich said.

“The sold-out performance demonstrated the community’s appetite for quality performing arts events.”

“Drawing people out of their homes and into the iconic Wyndham Park this summer was part of Wyndham City’s COVID-recovery strategy.”

“Wyndham Park is such a great venue for an outdoor experience under the stars. It was designed for these events and it certainly produced on Friday night.”

“Council is in discussions with the MSO for the event to return to Wyndham again in the future.”

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