
Skinny jeans: Fashion trend or health hazard?

Amid the growing clamour surrounding the ill effects of wearing skinny jeans, some of the trendsetters of the fashion industry feel that it has...

Eat nuts to cut cancer risk: Study

Consuming nuts is associated with a decreased risk of certain types of cancer, but not Type-2 diabetes, says new study. For the study, researchers conducted...

Aerobic exercise may cut asthma severity

Aerobic exercise may help curb the severity of asthma symptoms and improve quality of life, says a new research. While people with asthma often avoid...

Plate up the Indian way to fight cancer

Fork over the red meat and ladle up on fruits, veggies and water to prevent the disease from taking over your life Making smart food...

Let fitness kick in early with Fit Kicks

The Australian government’s health department recommends physical activity for at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise daily (for children and adolescents). It...

How to live longer without cutting calorie intake

You may get a long and healthy life simply by balancing your protein and carbohydrate intake, without drastically cutting down your calorie intake. A research...

Green tea with exercise daily may reverse Alzheimer’s

A compound found in green tea and voluntary exercise slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease and may even reverse its effects, a new research...

Answer for cancer is your diet

Cancer can be prevented or decreased by making changes in healthy diet.  India is diverse in populations and in diets. In India cancer rates...

New breastscreen fleet for NSW women

Member for Campbelltown Bryan Doyle, Health Minister Jillian Skinner, breast cancer survivor Diane Klimenty, Liberal candidate for Macquarie Fields Pat Farmer and NSW Chief...

Lying on facebook causes paranoia and memory woes

Do you fabricate your profile on Facebook to earn more likes? Remember that this habit can lead to feelings of shame and worthlessness later...