
Astounding drumming: Meet Pritish, a Guinness records holder

Pritish A R’s virtuosity on the drums could be unparalleled. At just 10 years of age, he completed the highest grade exam in the...

Screen time for children: Implications and help

Technology is an integral part of contemporary society for both adults and children as they go about their daily lives. The accessibility and ubiquity...

A teacher who changes how we read and write

Mary Keating says she counts her birthdays backwards. An Australian educator, who has taught in different sectors and in different parts of the world,...

From politics to business, Neelam Rai reinvents herself

In 2018, Neelam Rai had an abrupt exit as Liberal Party candidate for the Upper House in Northern Metropolitan Region of Melbourne (more on...

Food for thought: Fixing emotional issues with food

Reina Shukl’s new book Woke Emotions with Wise Food, launched this October, is, as the title suggests, about exploring nutrition from ancient Eastern and...

Rashida Tayabali on her debut novel & tackling stereotypes

Rashida Tayabali is a fourth generation Indian who has lived in different continents. Born in Kenya and settled in Australia now, Tayabali admits to...

Out of lockdown: Melburnians share their excitement

The excitement is palpable. After weeks and months of being in lockdown, Victoria, which traded its reputation of being the most liveable city for...

How Rasti Vaibhav achieved the state of financial well being

Rasti Vaibhav says his second name Vaibhav means prosperity in Sanskrit. And true to his name, he is on a career path towards creation...

Are COVID-19 vaccines effective against the Delta variant?

Australia is having a major challenge with the Delta variant of concern right now. And it’s understandable some people are feeling uncertain about getting a...

Going insane with job hunt? Here’s Cards Against Insanity

The pandemic has affected a lot of people forcing them out of the workforce. The price of the coronavirus is also not just an...